Trampoline & Tumbling
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Our Trampoline & Tumbling Program is designed to meet every athlete’s individual skill level that is appropriate for their age so they may better reach their personal Trampoline and Tumbling goals. We offer both Recreational and Competitive programs that focus on progressions through proper techniques and drills so the athletes may safely advance to the next level.
T&T Class Objectives:
Beginner (Level 1)
Beginner classes develop basic trampoline and tumbling through progressions to develop required core and upper body strength and flexibility that will be necessary to advance to higher level skills. Focus will be on correct body form, control, technique and learning how to properly jump on the trampoline.
Intermediate (Level 2)
Intermediate classes develop more basic skills and progress on the skills learned in Level 1. This level also starts integrating more advanced skills such as the back handspring.
Advanced (Level 3+)
Advanced classes develop advanced tumbling skills and trampoline combinations. These classes are designed to start the basics in flipping both in tumbling and trampoline.
Beginner - 1 hour/week - $75/month
Intermediate - 1.5hours/week - $100/month
Advanced - 2 hours/week - $115/month
2024 Fall Practice Schedule
1 hour/week
Monday - 6:00-7:00pm
Thursday - 5:00-6:00pm
1.5 hours/week
Monday - 7:00-8:30pm
Thursday - 6:00-7:30pm
2 hours/week
Tuesday - 4:30-6:30pm